Sunday, May 01, 2011

Third Award!

Cling! I'll post it again lol. Okay, sekali lagi gue dapet award wihiiiw thank you so much :D Langsung aja ya daripada gue ngebacot ngga jelas nantinya. Ini dia awardnya!!

1. Give this award to 7 bloggers
(fiuh untung dikit cuma 7 ehehehe)
2. Tell about yourself
  • Gue? Labil abis!!!!
3. Thank the blogger who gave you this award
4. If you've ever been got this award, you'll still have to follow the rules
  • Ini yang pertama kali kok
5. Do the hole rules with heart
  • Hahaha iya kok iya lagi benar kok suasana hati
Okay sekian ya. Terima kasih!